Sunday, October 24, 2021

Helpless education system

 Pandemic really have a huge impact in our life in different aspects.The way we live, communicate and study changed.Our education system now is distance learning.This means students can’t study through face to face.In October 2020 school year for public schools started and as of that the DEPED gave the students an option if they want an online learning or the modular learning system because not all students have enough access for gadgets and internet connections for the said online class.

As this new normal education system started, students have different perspective and experienced. Some of them answered easily and passed their modules without being rushed but most students were having a hard time on answering the questions in the given modules. Base on my research and surveys, it was really hard to answer all the given modules on time because they have their own responsibilities at home and in their own lives.Some difficulties that I found out were having no enough internet connection, hard time on answering and understanding each lessons and questions because not all students is a fast learner. They also don’t have anyone to teach them because most of the parents also have responsibilities and works to do.Because of this setup most students also forgot how to communicate in the real world and develop a social anxiety.

We all are having a hard time on adjusting in this new education system, not just us students even the teachers is not an exception. However,we are glad by the sudden news:September 20, 2021 – The Department of Education (DepEd) would like to announce that President Rodrigo Roa Duterte has approved the pilot implementation of face-to-face classes in low-risk areas.Limited face-to-face classes in schools to start on November 15



  1. I have to agree with your statements, the pandemic really did a big change in our daily lives. As much as it already was, us students also have to tolerate doing learning modalities which affects our well being. I hope we can all have face-to-face classes soon...

  2. It is great to see different information in your blog because it helped me gain knowledge about the current situation of the learners education system. Your blog also helped me receive the news that the president declared something good for the people who are having a hard time in none face-to-face classes. I hope you continue to inform everyone about current matters.


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