Sunday, November 28, 2021

For the furtherance or worse?Right or the only option?

 They always say education is the key to success. However, while in process of outstretching your goal, there’s a big tendency that you’ll fall, broke down badly to the point that you can’t even stand again because of the risk you made in the process.Is this new system really intended to teach nor the only option for the necessitous and unfirtunate dreamers?For the furtherance or worse?

Just like chopping of a Hydra’s head.You cut off one head, two more would regrow its place.It’s like getting two more questions for every one answer.My point is this new system is endless.They will give you the given tasks whitin a week and after you finished answering it, then there are more and more and more consecutive tasks.It was exhausting and tiring. Synchronize both responsibilities in home and school is also very hard but there’s no way out.

 Are we really learning or just the mentality that it was a waste of time if we let another year pass without enrolling?We can say that students answered the given tasks on the right time, however we couldn’t conclude that it was easy,enjoyable and effective.How about the anxiety, depression and stress this thing brought to every students then?While trying hard to reach their goal, they neglected and forgot to care about their physical, emotional and mental health.Some even forgot to connect to the real world.They destroyed their present while trying too hard to build their ideal future.

 So tell me, is this really focuses on the right of the students or the will and desire of those who are in a higher positions?

 There are billion of reasons to give up, and I know you’ve thought of it but you didn’t. Let your dreams and goals be the reasons be your guide to be motivated and continue what you’re doing. So if you’re looking for a sign and maybe it’s the sign you’re looking for. If no one has said it to you yet, you’re doing great and it wasn’t easy, it was never easy but what matters is you never give up no matter how complicated this new educating system is, no matter how many complications you face.Let us all fight for our right so no one will left behind. Remember, someday your sacrifices will paid off more than what you expected it to be.


Sunday, November 14, 2021

Learning ICT is a blessing in disguise of a curse.

 I started taking ICT(Information and Communications Technology Images) in grade 7 as a subject. I must say I’m having difficulties in understanding and comprehending its every topic until now. Maybe because it was my first time taking and learning it or me completely having no interest about computer and technologies neither.

In this quarter, I learned new things that were connected to internet and technologies.The history and chronology internet, web browsers and it’s part, internet services and tool, web pages and URL’s, data formats, internet servicing tools, and the fundamental components of the Internet. More importantly blogging;the definition, types of it, how to use, edit and post. Furthermore on how to cite the sources.

At first, I thought blogging would be uninterested and just a waste of time for us students to learn.I was having trouble on how to properly use it because it was my first time and I was unfamiliar to every bit of it.I don’t know how to change the layout and theme at first. Moreover I was also confuse on editing and locating the photos of my blogs. However,as the time goes by, I started to get used, enjoyed and appreciate using it. Posting your thoughts, commenting with your fellow blogger, editing your layout gave me different kind of pleasure. It was like my safe place.

The truth is I’m not really having a hard time creating my content in my blogs. Probably because I enjoyed and loved writing since then, it was the other way to express myself. Furthermore, the tasks on my modules wasn’t that laborious since you can browse the answers on concept notes. Some of the problems and difficulties I may encountered is time management because I just take the action whenever it was near the due date,I always tend to rush things however I was glad that I finished everything on time. Lack of internet wasn’t a big deal to me tho.

Moving on, I will try my best to be more responsible for my time management.Despite of having no interest in internet and this subject, I will try to strive and put an effort to improve my knowledge and skills. I must say this subject really did gave a big impact within me.I can now appreciate the worth of it specifically in terms of this education setup within this pandemic. We mostly use computer and internet to communicate, I can also use the knowledge to type my tasks, print or send my answers through online. If it wasn’t because of it I was maybe still clueless on how to properly use and browse computer. I won’t be able to discovered new features and things too.


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Just a minute to destrustion;Make a move, now!

 We truly cannot understand the real worth of the environment. But we can estimate some of its importance that can help us understand its importance. It plays a vital role in keeping living things healthy in the environment.The environment gives us countless benefits that we can’t repay our entire life. As they are connected with the forest, trees, animals, water, and air. The forest and trees filter the air and absorb harmful gases. Plants purify water, reduce the chances of flood maintain natural balance and many others.

In the first paragraph we do realized what and how our environment helped us. However, reflect on your action.Do you think you're worth of it?Are you doing something in return or you're currently on the opposite direction?Are you making the environment a better place or slowly causing it to destrust? 

These are the simple ways on how you can protect and take care of the environment. First,reduce, reuse, and recycle.Next cut down on what you throw away.Volunteer is an important way, volunteer for cleanups in your community;you can get involved in protecting your watershed, too.Fourth, educate,when you further your own education, you can help others understand the importance and value of our natural resources.Fifth,conserve water;he less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean.Sixth, shop wisely;buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag.Moreover, use long-lasting light bulbs; energy efficient light bulbs reduce greenhouse gas emissions.You can also flip the light switch off when you leave the room!Furthermore, Planting a tree because its provide food and oxygen. Lastly,walk or use bicycle when your suppose to be destination is not so far away so that the air pollution will be lower.Following the government policy is a must,don’t do things that are prohibited ,instead join their programs and activities that are related in taking care of our environment.

We need to think and make a way to protect the environment by engaging the community in leading an environmentally conscious lifestyle.Our simple actions and decisions may lead to big difference that can change the suppose to be fate of our demolition world.Choose the right path.Clean, take care and improve our environment. It's not too late to make a move.Think about the effect of your little action for the future generations,would you let your future daughter or sonbear with dirty and harmful environment whitin their everyday living? Let’s take a step towards a better,happier and healthier environment. 

Here is the other complications of poem I made about the environment:


Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Destruction is inevitable,but a simple action lead to great conclusion

  Most people don't realize the effects of their actions, and the huge impacts that simple decisions can make.That needs to change I cou...