Thursday, April 7, 2022

End of Chapter 3

 It’s incredible how the time flies so fast like a wind.One more chapter left and I might take a new path again.Our topics for this quarter is something that I never expect and predict.I thought we were going to continue learning more about websites and something that is connected more likely to technology and performance tasks.The topics turn out not to be my prognosis,however I’m not disappointed.

I learned that Community-based research (CBR) is a methodological practice that places community partnerships at the forefront. CBR is in the Community and Benefits the Community.It takes place in community settings and involves community members in the design and implementation of research projects, demonstrates respect for the contributions of success that are made by community partners, as well as respect for the principle of "not harm" to the communities involved. I also found out that we needed these principles for CBR:Collaborative,change-oriented and inclusive.

I also gain knowledge about the categories in community based research and the topics that are under this categories.First, Science,Technology,and Health. Second,Environment and Disaster Preparedness.Third Livelihood and Economics Arts and Culture.Fourth, Language and Literature.Fifth,History and Society Tourism and lastly Entertainment.There are a lot of options that someone can choose to if ever they’re planning to do research on their own community.CBR makes me realized that I am well informed of the things and issues that are needed to address in my own community.It makes me proud and flattered to be able to do my own research about it and gain knowledge and informations I didn’t know exist.

Honestly I don’t have any problems or challenges during this quarter in terms of ICT subject.I passed all my outputs in time except for the blogs because I sometimes forget to post it from my drafts. I love reading,researching and writing the reason why I enjoyed this quarter a lot.In my own perspective,2nd quarter is a lot more harder and difficult because it’s mostly performance task.And as I said in one of my blog before,I don’t excel at things that connected to technology like HTML.I usually take numerous hours in order to finish my ICT task in last quarter,but now that the topic suit for my interest I just finished it within 1hour or more.

Moving on,I will do my best to excel and be responsible on the last quarter even if the topics would turn out to be difficult for me.I shall be responsible and use my time wisely in order to pass everything on time.Furthermore,I will keep all the knowledge that I gain  through my research this quarter and help my community to be it’s best version.


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